DLL Name Year
MSVCR140.dll 2019, 2017, 2015 Download (x64)
Download (x86)
Download (ARM)
MSVCR120.dll 2013 Download
MSVCR110.dll 2012 Download
Mfc100.dll 2010 Download
msdia90.dll 2008 Download
ATL80.dll 2005 Download
mfc71.dll 2003 Download*
mfc70.dll 2002 Download*

What is this?

Ever try to run something on Windows and you get an error that looks like:
error that says: The program can’t start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer.
Well, personally I could never remember what version of VCRUNTIMEXXX.dll mapped to what Visual C++ Runtime year because the number displayed in the error message doesn't contain that information for some reason! Also none of the links to download these have any pattern to them, so you have to go hunting all over forums and strange 404'd MS pages to find them. So I made this website, which is just a static HTML page, with a table, that maps the DLL names to the years, with links to the downloads. Hope you find it useful as well.